Alternative Treatments for Schizophrenia


These alternative treatments for schizophrenia that may work for you

While schizophrenia is a serious illness that usually requires traditional medication, some people have discovered using other ways treatments for schizophrenia has also had a positive effect.


If you suffer from schizophrenia, or know someone that does, you may want to look at some of these alternatives treatments to see if they may work for you.


Vitamin E and Vitamin C supplementation -- One of the surprising things about other ways treatments for schizophrenia is one of them is something as simple as adding Vitamin E and Vitamin C to your diet.


Studies have shown these two vitamins do have an impact on schizophrenia, especially if you also add omega-3 supplementation.


A low sugar, low fat diet -- Many studies show those who eat a high fat, high sugar diet tend to have much worse schizophrenia symptoms than those that do not.


Try a low sugar, low fat diet for several months, and you may find this other ways treatment not only helps you lose weight but also improves your symptoms of schizophrenia quite markedly.


Veganism -- Some studies even show one of the most promising other ways treatments for schizophrenia is veganism -- not eating any animal products in your diet at all.


This is often due to dairy products, eggs and meat being high in calories, but also laced with antiobiotics and other medications fed to cattle and chickens to keep them healthy. These antibiotics leach into the milk, eggs and meat and, thus, into your body when you eat them.


Medications like this do sometimes cause adverse reactions in some individuals, and studies are now looking they could have an impact on schizophrenia.


Eat a plant-based diet of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts, however, and not only does your body not get any of the trace medications from animal products, you usually get better nutrition too.


A more nutritious diet does affect the brain in a positive way and, thus, could have a positive effect on schizophrenia and its symptoms. Click on cbd gummies for more source.